Lebkuchen - 12 Days of Cookies - Baked Occasions

One more recipe where I forgot to take a picture. They turned out looking like the picture in the cookbook, and the pictures from other bakers at Baked Sunday Mornings. Another quick and simple cookie recipe. It was made slightly more complicated by having the chocolate glaze on top. The spice mix that was made for these cookies smells just amazing and has wonderful flavor.

The spices are what made the cookie itself taste so wonderful, and I could have had cookies themselves. Then after they were cooled a chocolate glaze was put on top of the cookies and this was something that I could have done without. I am generally not a fan of cinnamon, ginger, and similar pumpkin pie type spices in combination with chocolate. I enjoyed this cookie more than I usually enjoy those flavors together, but it was still not my favorite or something I would generally choose as a dessert.

The recipe for these and thoughts from other bakers can be found at Baked Sunday Mornings here.

Timing: Recipe States: timing not listed, My Actual Timing: 56 minutes
Servings: Recipe States: 24 cookies, Servings For My Family: 24 cookies
Leftovers: These were good for a week.

Family Ratings:
Me: Good, not a favorite though.
Big Man: No thanks.
Bear: The flavor combinations were not something he liked.
Mr. T: He didn't even like these.

Will I repeat: No.

What will I change: Nothing.
