Chocolate Chip Hush Puppies - National Dog Day - Baked Occasions
We have a dog, but she is no longer a puppy, she is 16 years old. She has been the perfect dog for our family for 15 of those years. She has been big into running with Hubby and me to help us train for long runs. While we do love our dog and she is certainly part of our family National Dog Day is not a holiday we have celebrated in the past, but today we tried.
Mr. T and I made the Chocolate Chip Hush Puppies after the big brothers left for school this morning. Yea for school! We made a half batch thinking that they were not supposed to be very good after they cooled off. The recipe was straightforward and easy to put together, just mix it up with a fork and hands. The harder part was the frying. I am not a great fryer. Probably because I do not fry things very often.
I think my biggest problem was that the middles never seemed to get cooked through. I know that the recipe talked about this, but it didn't seem to matter how small I scooped the hush puppies the centers just never seemed to cook. I had this problem when I made the doughnuts from the Baked Explorations cookbook too. I am just not good at frying.
The flavor was fine, it was like a crispy doughnut hole. The corn meal did give it a nice texture. I did actually enjoy the chocolate chips in these with the cinnamon and sugar on top. Cinnamon and chocolate are not usually a combination that I enjoy, but in this case it worked out well. I don't think that I will ever make these again because I just get so frustrated with trying to fry things and it's not a cooking technique that I plan to master.
The recipe and thoughts from other bakers can be found at Baked Sunday Mornings here.
Timing: Recipe States: does not say, My Actual Timing: 28 minutes
Servings: Recipe States: 24-30 hush puppies, Servings For My Family: 18-20, with a half batch
Leftovers: They would not be good.
Family Ratings:
Me: Okay, a little like a crunchy doughnut hole.
Big Man:
Mr. T: Not a fan, he did not even finish one.
Will I repeat: No.
What will I change: Nothing.
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