Texas Independence Day - Chocolate Texas Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting - BAKED Occasions

March 2nd celebrates the day that Texas declared independence from Mexico and the BAKED Occasions cookbook has a Texas sheet cake recipe to celebrate the day. I do not have any connections to Texas myself, but I do enjoy a good chocolate cake. This one is topped with peanut butter icing and chocolate with peanut butter also happens to be one of my favorite combinations. I am hoping to celebrate through March with all of the recipes in the BAKED Occasions book, partially because there are only four holidays specific to the month of March.

It's good that they start early too and can be spread out a little bit. This cake was very easy and quick to put together. Like the recipe states, it was so nice to be able to put a cake together quickly and the icing on top was so easy to just pour over the cake while it was still warm so it went on smoothly and looked nice without much effort. I didn't even need to get out my mixer or whip any egg white for this recipe. I enjoy going to all of that effort, but sometimes it is nice to just have a quick and easy cake recipe that doesn't have quite so many steps involved.

I did one thing they probably can't do in Texas this time of year. After the cake comes out of the oven you are supposed to pour the warm icing on top so that it sticks to the cake. Then the cake is to be chilled to set the icing they suggest serving the cake chilled as well. I have a regular sized refrigerator in my home that is filled with food to feed my family, and it is difficult to find space for a half sheet pan. Since the high temperature this afternoon was only in the mid 40's I put my cake out on the deck to cool off.

The cake was very moist and a little bit dense for a cake, but not quite like a brownie. The chocolate flavor is very good in it, and I can taste a little bit of the coffee in this case where in some of the other chocolate recipes from these authors I have not been able to taste the coffee in the recipes. The icing recipe worked perfectly for me and I liked the amount on top of the cake, it was a little bit sweet for my taste, but the peanut butter flavor was very good.

Timing: Recipe States: It didn't say., My Actual Timing: 1-hour preparation and baking time
Servings: Recipe States: 24 servings, Servings For My Family: 36 servings
Leftovers: The cake was wonderful for about four days.

Family Ratings:
Me: I thought this cake was wonderful and easy to make, great to share with a group or for a potluck.
Big Man: He really enjoyed the cake as well and wanted to have another piece.
Bear: He was not such a fan of peanut butter so he decided he didn't like it without even trying it. We make him try new healthy foods when we have them, but if he doesn't want to try desserts we do not force it on him.
Mr. T: He thought this cake was wonderful and had a great time helping to make it too.

Will I repeat: Yes, I will make this cake again. I would probably make sure I have several people to serve it to since it makes such a big cake.

What will I change: Not a thing.


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